Legislative Information and Updates from the AKC
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Taking Command
A Publication of the AKC Government Relations Department
June 2017
What’s New from AKC Government Relations
Summer is a great time to reach out to lawmakers – and your fellow club members, exhibitors and breeders – to educate them on canine legislation issues. AKC’s Legislative Action Center has a number of tools and resources available to you, from handouts you can print and distribute, to sample letters and talking points, and even a “Find Your Elected Officials” box to help you easily connect with your state and federal lawmakers. As legislators are home in their districts or you are at events, it is a perfect opportunity to share these resources and information.
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AKC GR Legislative Successes
  The AKC Government Relations Department partners with state federations, dog clubs and concerned owners to protect the rights of dog owners. The tireless response of responsible breeders, owners and fanciers across the country truly makes a difference! Visit the 2017 Legislative Successes page to view examples of recent results of their good work.  
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Delaware Becomes 19th State to Ban Breed-Specific Legislation
On Friday, June 2nd, 2017, Delaware Governor John Carney (D) signed House Bill 13, which is intended to protect the rights of responsible Delaware dog owners by prohibiting any dog from being declared “potentially dangerous” or “dangerous” under state law simply based on the dog’s breed. The bill would also prohibit municipalities from enacting laws or regulations based on a dog’s breed.
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Government Relations
GR Out and About
On June 6, AKC Government Relations participated in the Sportsmen Day at the Capitol event in Raleigh, North Carolina, sponsored by the Congressional Sportsmen Foundation. The purpose of the day was for organizations to highlight the importance of protecting the rights of sportsmen and preserving the sporting and hunting heritage of the state.

A number of sportsmen and wildlife organizations participated in the event to educate lawmakers on issues impacting their industry and sport. AKC provided a variety of resources to legislators and staff including the economic impact of dog events and the positive influence AKC and its clubs have on local communities. It was an excellent opportunity to remind legislators of the value of sportsmen and responsible dog owners to North Carolina, and the variety of organizations dedicated to preserving this hobby, sport, and tradition.

Representatives of AKC Government Relations also recently spoke at the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America National Specialty and provided an educational booth at the World Dog Expo in Secaucus, New Jersey.
Government Relations
Melissa Ferrell, Research Analyst and Jennifer Clark, Director, Legislative Outreach represented AKC Government Relations at NC Sportsmen Day.
Photo ©AKC Government Relations. 
Ann Lettis/Responsible Dog Owners Association of New York Win 2017 Bebout Legislative Leadership Award
Ann Lettis, President of the Responsible Dog Owners Association of New York (RDOA), and Delegate for the Grand River Kennel Club (OH) was presented last week with the Walter Bebout Memorial Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation at the AKC Delegates meeting held in New Jersey.
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Government Relations
Ann Lettis, President, Responsible Dog Owners Association of NY, accepts the Bebout Award from AKC Board of Directors Chairman Ronald Menaker (R) and Vice Chairman Dr. Thomas Davies (L).
NAIA President Discusses Dangers of Unregulated Rescue Import Industry
The absence of regulations on animal shelters and rescues that import hundreds of thousands of dogs, transports them across state borders, and are sold at rescues and shelters threatens the health and safety of American families, homeland security, and animals. Read an article by Patti Strand, President of the National Animal Interest Alliance.
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Government Relations

Legislative Information and Updates
  Sixteen states, Congress, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico are in session. AKC Government Relations is currently tracking more than 1,700 bills on the federal, state, and local levels. For more information on these bills, and information on how you can get involved, visit our Legislative Action Center at www.akcgr.org. Here are some highlights of pending canine legislation issues across the country:

Visit the 2017 Legislation Tracking page for the most up-to-date information on state and federal legislation. This site, updated each weekday, provides the latest bill text, status, and links to legislative alerts posted by the AKC. Click on the links below to view highlights of issues that are being tracked by AKC Government Relations:

Federal — issues that may affect all dog owners in the U.S.
State — issues specific to your state
Local/Other — issues at the city, county, and metropolitan levels, and in U.S. territories

Please contact AKC GR at (919) 816-3720 or doglaw@akc.org for more information or to let us know what’s happening in your local community. 
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