Quarterly eNews for Breeders | Winter 2015
Royal Canin |
Understanding Canine Neonatology |
By Rick Kesler, DVM |
The first few weeks of life for a newborn puppy are the most critical
period they will ever encounter. They are born solely relying on their
mother for survival. Neonates encounter high mortality rates during
the first three weeks of life so it is essential that you can differentiate
a normal from abnormal neonate in order to intervene if necessary
to deliver the appropriate care. This can be especially challenging
because puppies this young are difficult to examine due to their size and immaturity.
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Better Breeding |
Preventing Hypocalcemia |
By Jeff Grognet, DVM |
Hypocalcemia, also known as milk fever, eclampsia, and puerperal tetany, is a depletion of calcium in the blood. Most breeders consider it a disease that only occurs during peak lactation, but hypocalcemia has been seen before whelping. It can kill, so prevention and early recognition is key.
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Breed Column |
Are Your Dogs Protected? |
By Robin Tingley |
Are your dogs protected? Of course they are, you are thinking — you keep up with all vet checks, vaccinate according to best practices, microchip, and do health testing. You are careful with whom you place your puppies, and you follow their welfare. But what if something happens to you? What would happen with your dogs, and all the information about them and records of what they have accomplished?
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Breed Column |
The Art and Science of Breeding Better Dogs |
By Gail Knapp, Ph.D., J.D. |
How does the experienced breeder choose which dogs to consider including in her own breeding program? Well, the really skilled breeders do not look at a win record as the major deciding factor. It is the pedigree and how the individual dog “fits” with her breeding program that really counts.
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Happy Anniversary, CHF! |
February 21 marked the AKC Canine Health Foundation’s (CHF) 20th anniversary. CHF is kicking off a year-long celebration to mark this milestone, reflecting on their accomplishments, recognizing those who support them, and charting their course for the future. Since 1995 CHF has*:
- Funded $33,747,864 in canine health research
- Provided $9,366,068 in educational services
- Supported 797 grants
- Partnered with 121 institutions
- Awarded 16 Clinician-Scientist Fellowships for young, up-and-coming researchers
- Impacted countless numbers of dogs and the people who love them
Without your support these milestones would not be possible. The AKC Canine Health Foundation is the leading organization exclusively funding canine health research. They’re dedicated to helping all dogs live longer, healthier lives through research and education to prevent, treat and cure canine disease. Your support is helping redefine the practice of veterinary medicine, providing more accurate diagnoses and better treatments for the diseases that impact our dogs. Visit AKC CHF at www.akcchf.org.
*As of September 30, 2014
You Can Help CHF to Help Your Breed |
AKC Canine Health Foundation reaches out to owners of several breeds for participation in important genetic studies.
Your dog can help researchers make advances in the study of many canine diseases. Participation is currently needed in the following trial:
Samples Needed for Addison’s Disease Study
Principal Investigators Dr. Steven Friedenberg, Dr. Kathryn Meurs, and Dr. Katharine Lunn at North Carolina State University hope that by taking advantage of major advances in DNA sequencing, they can uncover the gene mutations that cause Addison’s Disease in Standard Poodles, and potentially other breeds as well. Addison's disease is an endocrine disorder where the body attacks its own adrenal glands. The adrenal glands make important hormones that help us cope with stress and control electrolyte balance, among other things. Addison's disease is inherited in Standard Poodles, but the genetics of the disease are unknown.
By finding the mutations, they can work to decrease the incidence of the disease in this breed. They also hope to apply what they discover to other dog breeds and to humans, where the genetics of the disease remain a mystery as well.
Learn how to participate.
AKC Breeder to Breeder Symposium Videos Now Available |
In conjunction with the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, AKC hosted the second AKC Breeder to Breeder Symposium on Friday, December 12, 2014.
The free Symposium brought a group of breeders, exhibitors and judges together to share ideas about breeding happy and healthy canine companions. Attendees were able to learn from respected experts including Anne Bowes, Jimmy Moses and theriogenologist Dr. Marty Greer, about topics such as “A Head Start for Puppies,” “Quality and Consistency in a Breeding Program” and “Maximizing the Potential of Your Breeding Program.”
Watch the videos on AKC’s YouTube channel.
AKC Breeder articles are selected for their general interest and entertainment values. Authors' views do not necessarily represent the policies of The American Kennel Club, nor does their publication constitute an endorsement by the AKC.