A Publication of the AKC Government Relations Department — October 2015

As year’s end approaches, the AKC Government Relations team needs your help. And we need your donations. (Might as well put that right up front!)

In the help department, we’re seeking your input regarding federal and state AKC Legislator of the Year awards. The AKC selects recipients from among the nominations received from you—individuals, clubs and federations—and we provide a framed rosette for you to present to the honoree. This is a tremendous opportunity for you to re-connect with dog friendly legislators and let them know how much you appreciate their support. Please let us know if there are elected officials from your state who deserve this award.


Guest columnist Connie Koehler, Legislative Liaison for the Soft Coated Wheaten Club of America and Legislative Coordinator for the California Federation of Dog Clubs, writes about how dog fanciers successfully opposed a local mandatory spay/neuter proposal.

Led by members of the California Federation of Dog Clubs (CFODC), a dedicated group of Whittier, CA, dog fanciers took on City Hall and proved that it can be done. As a result of their efforts, the Whittier City Council soundly rejected the mandatory spay/neuter (MSN) provisions of Los Angeles County’s Title 10 animal-control ordinance with its initial, unanimous vote of 5-0 on August 11, 2015, affirmed by a second, final vote on September 8, 2015.


New USDA guidance corrects the common misperception that certain organizational or tax statuses (such as a not-for-profit or charitable designation) provide an exemption from USDA licensing and oversight. The latest guidance emphasizes that individuals and groups, including rescue groups that transfer, sight-unseen, a pet that they did not breed, are subject to regulation, licensing and inspection as USDA Class B dealers (wholesalers).

You Asked, We Answered!

The AKC Government Relations team is often asked: “Why are there Two Ways to Protect Our Rights? Wouldn’t a single fundraiser be simpler and easier?”

Answer: The AKC Canine Legislative Support Fund (CLSF) and the AKC PAC are separate and distinct funds that were established to serve different purposes. This easy-to-read chart explains the major differences between the two funds, who can contribute, and how AKC clubs can help raise funds. Please click here for an overview of club options for political involvement.

The fight to preserve the rights of dog owners, exhibitors, and breeders is a costly one. Please check out this important information and donate today.


Investing for the future is the best way to protect against unknown risks that lie ahead. When it comes to you and your club’s charitable spending, few investments match the value of the Canine Legislative Support Fund.

We are saddened to report the passing of two remarkable women, Sue Cone and Margo Milde, who worked tirelessly to promote responsible dog ownership and to defend the rights of dog owners.

Honor Your Dog-Friendly Lawmaker with a 2015 Legislator of the Year Award

Has your state or federal elected official taken a stand to protect responsible dog ownership? Here’s a way to express your appreciation.

Nominate a deserving legislator for the James S. Holt Memorial Award for the Promotion of Responsible Dog Ownership in Legislation. This award, also known as the “Legislator of the Year” award, is a wonderful way to recognize lawmakers who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to promoting responsible dog ownership and breeding, the well-being of all dogs, and the advancement of dogs in your community.

This award is an excellent way for you, as constituents, to honor the legislators you work with and build on your existing relationships. For more information, contact AKC GR at doglaw@akc.org.

Legislative Information and Updates

Each year, thousands of dog-related laws and regulations are proposed at the federal, state, and local levels. To date this year, AKC GR has been monitoring more than 1,600 measures at the state, local and federal levels that could impact dog owners. Congress, seven state legislatures and the District of Columbia are currently in regular session. Florida is in special session.

Visit the 2015 Legislation Tracking page for the most up-to-date information on state and federal legislation. This site, updated each weekday, provides the latest bill text, status, and links to legislative alerts posted by the AKC.  Click on the links below to view highlights of issues that are being tracked by AKC Government Relations:

Federal— issues that may affect all dog owners in the US
State — issues specific to your state.
Local— issues at the city and county levels

Please contact AKC GR at (919) 816-3720 or doglaw@akc.org for more information or to let us know what’s happening in your local community.

Visit us at AKC.org


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